Wednesday 8 January 2014

Sandy Skoglund Artist's Review

Hello again everybody. Today I'am going to critically review Sandy Skoglund. Even though I had done some of research on this person on my Microsoft Word document for photography….
MS Word document page 1. (made 11.12. 2013)
….I have to do it again because I've been told by one of my tutors to put this on my blog so that I have given evidence of my work to the staff at Blackburn College.
So without further adieu, here is my artist's review on Sandy Skoglund.

Sandy Skoglund is an American artist who specializes in surrealistic photography. They often contain vivid and vibrant colours and they tend to bring in a sense of atmosphere. They also tend to feature animals sometimes.

                                                                                     Here are some examples.

And here's a picture with Sandy Skoglund herself.

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