Wednesday 12 February 2014

Panaramic Photography 2

Hello again everyone, here are some more panaramic photographs that I had taken from around Blackburn. Then like with the previous picture, I combined them all together using Photoshop to view the pictures through different perspective.

I like the bottom picture because I think it is very well put together piece of photography.

Now let's talk about famous artist, David Hockney. He has made quite a few panaramics himself from time to time. In fact you could say that he has perfected the art form and is practically very well known for making these sort of pictures. So here are a few pictures that he has done that I hand picked to put on this blog post.

What all these pictures have in common is that Mr. Hockney used a similar process to how I made my pictures. Unlike me however, Hockney actually took more pictures than I did so his are a lot bigger and more well crafted than mine. (Apart from my second picture on this blog post!)

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